Training high school teachers to teach AP Computer Science Principles
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Data and Information Quiz
#1 What is the function of a compiler?
Coverts High level language to Machine level language (binary language)
Both A and B
Neither A nor B
#2 Which of the following evaluates to 1 and not 1.0?
double a = 0.5 + 0.1 + 0.4
int a = 3/2
int a = 0%1
Both A and B
#3 In the following code segment, a , b, c, d are Boolean operators. Where a = False, b = False, c = True and d = ?. The output of the following expression results in True. What could be the value of d?
True or False
The expression cannot evaluate to True for any value of 'd'.
#4 Give a flow chart of Boolean operators.
A must be False
A must be True
A can be either True or False
Cannot be determined
#5 If both the if conditions were “false”, then what would be the result? Consider the text in rectangular boxes as print statements.
Programming Planning
Then choose from other courses
#6 In an encrypting technique, alphabets a-z are written as follows: (a as c, b as d, c as e, d as f and so on ) If the word “computer” is encrypted as “eqorwvgt”, how can we encrypt the word “internet”?
#7 As part of an encryption technique, all the alphabets (a-z) are replaced by their respective left most neighbor alphabet to convert plain texts into cipher texts like: y with x, z with y, a with z, b with a…………………x with w. For a six letter word, if the cipher text is “rdbqds”, what is the original word(plain text)?